TOGETHER, we’re helping youth
The Nasirumbi Education Fund (NEF) helps break down barriers, especially financial ones, that can prevent a child from going to school. We provide promising, but disadvantaged youth in Kenya with scholarships and other resources to expand their outlook, education and skills so that they can positively shape their futures and their communities. By sending a student to school, especially girls, you are also improving the likelihood that their siblings and future children will go to school too.
Quality education transforms lives, not only for those who receive it but also for their entire environment, as it generates a multiplier effect. Through education and knowledge, our students transcend, empowering them to achieve significant change and generating a positive impact on their communities. This positive impact elevates societal standards and inspires innovation, paving the way for a brighter future. NEF scholarship [program] has brought an invaluable opportunity for our school community; allowing each of us to open our minds to different realities thereby developing a sense of solidarity and empathy. NEF has given the youths the chance to work on being the best version of themselves.
- Mrs. Magero, Former Deputy Principal and School Advisory Committee Member, Busijo Secondary School, Kenya
How You can make a difference
1 box of feminine hygiene supplies = $15
1 pair of shoes = $20
1 set of revision books = $40
1 uniform set (including a sports kit) = $50
1 bicycle to help a student get to/from school = $90
1 year high school fees* for 1 student = $115
1 year of college tuition & accommodation (varies by institution) =$600-800+
(*Education in Kenya is subsidized by the government. A scholarship from NEF helps cover other school expenses, including lunch, that a family might not be able to cover.)
additional student support
Annual school workshops on health and sex education, mental health and wellness, study techniques, livelihood skills, and more.
Programs to provide mentorship and college prep.
We ensure that scholarships are not misused by depositing the funds directly into the school account where the NEF students are enrolled. We obtain receipts from the school's bank and confirm with the school administrators that the students' tuition has been paid. Most of NEF's administrative expenses are donated by Jessica and Dennis Nagtalon.
other ways to get involved
Volunteer with NEF. We’re looking for help with communications and engagement, and event planning.
Host a dinner or game-night to benefit NEF
Become a NEF Ambassador and help us spread the word about NEF
We make it easy for you by providing sample text.
Contact Jessica at (at) to express interest and get more information.